June 4, 2011

Rock Bass Finale!

All things considered, everything went very well.
The prank went smooth, and Bruce seemed to have 
a great time at his 50th birthday party. Many of his
family members and old friends came out. It was great.

Below, the damsel-in-distress and ole Bruce head for
 the fishing spot, so she can learn to fish--so he thought. 

Afterward, Bruce left the damsel fishing by herself
to go get something to eat. That's when I stepped
in to make sure things got exciting. The video below
 tells the rest of the story. Now it's family history.    

June 3, 2011

Rock Bass Update #7 (Crisis!)

Last night I went to get ole Rocky1 ready for his big
day, and he'd pretty much died. He came alive for a
moment, wagging his tail, then he gave it all up. Not
to worry though, Rocky2, his brother, stepped up to
git-er-done. I shelled out the extra $15 bucks and put
him right to work. I think he's going to do just fine. He
seems a little more spunky, and he swims straighter.
Rocky1 blazed the trail; Rocky2 is going for the glory.