What is the Christian position on the burial versus cremation issue? I believe it to be summarized in these six principles:
1. Per the Scriptures and the light of nature, burial is clearly the preferred means for laying loved ones to rest after their death;
2. It is ideal to bury our loved ones and less-than-ideal to cremate them;
3. It is always better to bury and always worse to cremate;
4. It is not always right to bury and always wrong to cremate;
5. Burial or cremation is not ever and always a black and white issue, it’s an issue that requires discretion per each circumstance that presents itself;
6. Sometimes the acceptance or pursuit of a less-than-ideal option is necessary, understandable, and responsible amid the complexities of life.
Note: If you'd like to see how I arrived at these six conclusions, biblically, click on this link: Burial or Cremation?